My Mom S Best Friend

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My Mom S Best Friend' title='My Mom S Best Friend' />At the last minute, I decided to add in one fabric from my good neighbors line which is from a few years ago, even though the greys dont match exactly. I made the mistake recently of searching grief on Pinterest. Pc Tools File Recover Crack Serial Keygen. Now Pinterest fills my feed with poems and quotes about grief. Right beside the memes and barn doors I. After those I crutch back into my bedroom and sit on my little ProForm upright xbike for some rock and rock. Im not rock and roll quite yet. Mk-yUaw4xGKhDqhlJXARQ/size/y.jpg' alt='My Mom S Best Friend' title='My Mom S Best Friend' />MTV Original TV Shows, Reality TV Showsnovember 2. Teen Mom. Farrah, Maci, Amber, Catelynn arent teens anymore, but that doesnt mean their growing pains have stopped. Hayleys Mom Just One Moms Tragic Loss. We received information this week about the recipients of Hayeys Organ donations. The gifts.  After I called about 1. Hayleys heart, I decided to sit down and write a letter to that nameless woman. I wanted to write it while it was fresh and real. Well the letter turned out to be more of a journal post and 7 pages. I am still deciding on if I send this version or maybe ease her into Hurricane Dawn. I will probably share the depth of detail for future correspondence. I am going to share the letter now because it is the most real thing I have written. It made me really understand what Organ Donation meant to our family. It made me realize that it was not the recipients that needed to thank us, I needed to thank them. Thank them for allowing to live on and for me to have a purpose in that horrible time. September 2, 2. 01. Dear Recipient,Recipient seems so impersonal a way to address you. We are now connected in a way that is really beyond imagination. Typing this letter also seems impersonal. I feel that I should be hand writing this. But due to my handwriting, I am going to type because I want you to be able to read it Plus, it is going to be a long letter. I am Hayleys Mom. My daughters heart continues to beat thanks to you. We are so grateful to you. You gave me the gift of not witnessing my daughters last breath. Because of you I did not have to watch her heart stop beating for a second time in one week. Because of you I could say goodbye, lay my head on her chest, hear her heart beat strong and give that heart my blessing to beat for another. During the worst weeks of our lives we were faced with decisions that no parent should ever have to make. This was not supposed to happen. I am uncertain where to start and what information to share with you. I need you to know that you have provided me with comfort during an incredibly painful time. I think I will just tell you the entire story. Our donation story Hayley turned 1. April 2. 9th of this year. She had just finished her first year of college at Western Washington University. She loved Bellingham. If we meet I can tell you stories about how homesick she was that first quarter, how our relationship grew and what we learned about parenting college freshman  Since you have three children, I am guessing you would appreciate that advice. Hayley loved her family, Scott her father, Henry her 1. Everyone says their child loves their family. But I mean she LOVED us. She humbled us with her love. We worried at times that it wasnt normal or healthy for a teenager to like her parents this much, maybe we were doing something wrong. Hayley was my daughter and my best friend. She would rather spend time with me and my girlfriends than anything else. Dont get me wrong she had plenty of other friends. But we needed to be near each other always. That is one of the reasons she chose WWU. We were less than 2 hours away from each other and because of my job and her job we never had to go more than 1. We worried this was keeping her from really becoming connected to college and making new friends. But she had so much love to give she was able to balance both and was ready to really spread her wings September 2. Sophomore year.   She was majoring in Sociology with Criminal Justice as her focus. She was on track to graduate in 2. She was well on her way and her class schedule laid out all the way to graduation to earn her major and a minor in Psychology and Communications. I would love to tell you in person about the ride along she did with the only female campus police officer and how much this solidified that she wanted a career in law enforcement. She wanted to change lives and make a difference. By saving and changing the lives of so many people with her donations she basically accomplished her career goals on one big day. Hayleys passion was Dance. From her first dance class at age 3 she was hooked and I was in for quite a ride. Now I was not just a Mom but a Dance Mom ugh. She trained in Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Lyrical and Tap. She began competing at the age of 7 with a local studio. She competed with several studio teams until Freshman year of High School. At that time, she had the opportunity to be the first Freshman class at a school with a very competitive team. This team change helped to reduce our travel load and be involved in school spirit. She made this team. She was so happy. We have been told that you are a dancer, but what does dance have to do with her donation story, youmay be asking. It does.   During the third year of competing we had an issue. Back at the start of sophomore year she had been hospitalized for ovarian cysts. She ended up having her first surgery and being diagnosed with PCOS. One of the symptoms of PCOS is weight gain and brutal hormone issues during puberty. During her Junior year she began to grow and gain some weight. Her breasts grew from perfect size B to large double D. The coach had a taste for skimpy and daring costuming much to the horror of the parents. But this was a situation where if you messed with the coach, she messed with your kid. This was the first domino in a row that led to Hayleys death. This costume was backless and strapless. Which is quite an amazing feat. The costume looked beautiful on girls with size A or smaller. This described most of the team, with one exception. During the first competition one of Hayleys girls came out of her costume and she had to continue to dance for an excruciating 3 more minutes. I spent the next few months leading up to the state competition trying desperately to make this costume work for her. She was mortified and self conscious. They do not make backless and strapless dance bras for a 3. DD.   The coach promised to make costume changes for the state competition. Many of the other girls were thankful to hear this. Two weeks before state she cut Hayley from the performance instead of changing the costume. Not one to stay quiet when someone hurts my kid, I brought it to the attention of administration and we got nowhere. In fact, at the next tryout, she cut Hayley from the team entirely, a fourth year senior. A returning member had never been cut from the team during this coachs ten year tenure. You can imagine the devastation. She had been on a dance team for ten years at this point. She danced 2. She was never the best on the team, not even close. But she always smiled and she loved it. The rest of the story is irrelevant. Her passion was taken away without notice. Her spirit was damaged. Her self esteem low. This is when she started talking about wanting breast reduction. For the next two years it was all she could talk about. By the end of her freshman year of college she was a 3. H.   Yes, an H for Hayley  I still encouraged her to wait until after college. At the same time, this summer my job with a local nonprofit ended. We have more in common than just my daughters heart. In 2. I suffered Cardiac Arrest at the age of 3. Heart Disease ran in my family. It killed my father at age 5. This won me a pacemaker and led me down a path of volunteering for the American Heart Association. DONT FREAK OUT.   Being a very paranoid Mom, both my children have been screened multiple times and did not inherit my heart condition or my eye color.